Thursday, January 2, 2020

Attacking monster , camps and glory Points

There are 30 level of monsters and 30 level of camps.

For monster, its direct attack
For camps, its rally to attack. Minimum 2 participants. Less participants gives better reward.

To attack a monster or a camp, both consume stamina but gives good reward such as lion experience points, lord experience points, glory points, resources.

Glory points can be upgraded from the buildings to enhance the stats

Hideout Cave - Archer damage & archer damage received
Range - Archer attack
Barrack -Infantry attack
Stable - Cavalry attack
Siege workshop - Siege attack
Storehouse - Siege damage & siege damage received
Hospital - Siege health, siege defense
Watchtower - Cavalry health, cavalry defense
Castle -infantry health, infantry defense
Embassy - Troop health
University - Archer health , archer defense
Hall of war - Troop defense
Wall trap - cavalry damage, cavalry damage received
Market - Troop damage
Wall - infantry damage, infantry damage received
Wishing land - Troop damage received

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Kingdom Monster Event

The Kingdom Monster event will last for 2 days

DAY 1: Ancient Dragon

There will be many ancient dragon on the kingdom map. There are 3 level of ancient dragon

Lvl 1 Wesselian
After killing a wesselian, alliance members will obtained 
City troop attack 25%
City troop health 25%
City troop defense 25%

Lvl 2 Rego
After killing a wesselian, alliance members will obtained 
City troop attack 50%
City troop health 50%
City troop defense 50%

Lvl 3 Lemon
After killing a wesselian, alliance members will obtained 
City troop attack 75%
City troop health 75%
City troop defense 75%
*City troops are troops residing in the palace

R4 / R5 Of the alliance will mark the dragon and players will set rally to attack it. Its recommended to have player with higher march rally capacity to join the rally so more troops can fit into the march. Each time we join a rally , consumed 15 stamina.

DAY 2: Dark Monster

This is more into defense. Once R4/R5 start to activate the dark monsters, the monsters will be attacking all the castles in the alliance that activating the dark monster. If no one start the kingdom monster, it will automatically launched at the times set.

Preparation for this event
• make sure troops are in castle instead of gathering resources. You can demolish the alliance farm to send all troops back to castle
• there will be 25 stages, each higher stage, there will be more troops that will be attacking your castle. your castle will burn if you fail the defense and if your castle will burn for the second times, you have fail the next stage
• you can reinforce your alliance members to help with defense. You could earn points from reinforcing your team mate. 

If you quit alliance, the points for individual will reset to 0

Monday, December 30, 2019

Heroes - recruitment

There are 2 type of recruitment common recrutment and advanced recruitment

Each day, you get to common recruitment for 5 times for free. If you need more, you can recruit with gold ( 200 gold each time )
Each time you recruit in common type, you get 10 pts of common spirit that you can use for exchanging heroes fragment 

Each day, you get ONE advance recruitment for free. If you wish to recruit more, you can purchase the advance recruitment pak
Each time you recruit in advance type, you get 10 pts of advance spirit to exchange heroes fragment

Note: you need 10 heroes fragment to unlock a hero, and heroes fragment to enhance your heroes. Enhancing a hero will give better boost to your heroes.

To enhance a hero, you need heroes fragments. You can convert the universal fragment to heroes fragment you need. 

Once you have unlock your heroes, you need to appoint your heroes to the following position
• Guard Commanders
• Cavalary commanders
• Archer commanders
• Siege commanders
• General commanders
How to assign the heroes is basically of your own choice. Use the heroes that fits your battle - defense, or attack

These 5 heroes will boost your battle effectiveness! 

Heroes - Polar desert

In polar desert, there are 8 faction you can choose to place your castle

When you have selected a faction, you will be given a seat and you can choose the heroes to garrison the camps. The number of camps in polar desert unlocked for garrison is depending on level of your hero hall

The productivity of the camps is experience points which you can use them for levelling up your heroes

Each camp, you can select a hero to garrison the camp. 

Apart from garrison and collecting heroes experience points, you can also plunder the experience points from other players from another faction. You cannot plunder from players in the same faction

Hint : 
plunder only A class heroes for 26 times each day to unlock all the reward from daily target 
■ Search for S class heroes of a lower level castle, lower level experience, and less star 
■ If you defeat while plundering, the stamina will be consumed
■ Spend all your stamina as it will slowly grow. If your stamina is full, its wasted

Hide your troops.

In this war game, attack is inevitable. There are many ways you can hide your troops

■ Shield is very important to prevent players from attacking or scouting you. 
■ Send your troops out for gathering resources in alliance farm or resources tower zone. Nobody can attack your troops
■ Hideout cave is a place in your castle to hide troops. 

■ In case of emergency ( you have broke your shield and unable to turn it on for 30 minutes), you can set rally on camp for 30 minutes/1 hour.

■ Check your platform to make sure there is no troops in your city. Dont forget to check when your shield will expire and also when your troops will return from gathering 

What is KvK?

KvK is abbreviation for Kingdom vs Kingdom. There are two KvK event:-
1. KVK Throne War
2. KVK Invasion

The KVK is a match between three kingdoms. The system will randomly pick 3 kingdom of the same level in power. During this event, you can teleport your castle to another kingdom for free but (only castle level 19 and above enjoy this benefit of free teleport to another kingdom. Castle below level 19 cannot teleport to another kingdom and also cannot place their castle in the black land - the throne area )

Throne War
- Throne war will occupy at the palace which is located at coordinate X 498: Y 499
- The palace zone is at the black land  (inside the yellow line) - if you are placing your castle in this area, you will noticed that your march speed is extremely slow.
- The battlefield for throne is randomly picked between the three kingdom. usually the most powerful knigdom among the 3
- The throne event will be once a month (15.00 UTC timezone)
- Players can march to the throne for attacking/rally or sending reinforcement to occupy the throne. The number of troops that can fit into the throne area is depending on the size of march rally capacity of the player who is holding a flag. This flag can be transfered to another player who has bigger march capacity - only R5 (leader of the alliance) or the player who is holding flag can transfer the flag
- During the throne war, 50% of the troops will survive therefore revive is very important.
- Holding the guard towers giving buff to the team that holding the towers. Battles in the guard tower will only have wounded troops (provided your wounded troops exceed the hospital capacity)
- Competition time for throne event is 48 hours, when there is an alliance that occupy the throne for 8 hours, then the alliance will be the throne winner
- The leader of the alliance that managed to occupy the throne, can appoint anyone in the kingdom to be king.
- The king can appoint the official position and civillians positition to any members in the kingdom
Official position will get extra boost buff, civilians position will get decrease of buff
- Players can donate mitrill to the throne for the king to activate kingdom buff, which benefit every players in the kingdom. Players can also oppose the king with the mitrill to dismiss the king's right and benefits for 12 hours.
- King will be able to distribute resources to the players of the same kingdom from the palace's treasury.

During the event , the Cross - Server entrance will , open . You can attack the enemies , plunder the resource , gather resource in other kingdoms to gain Kingdom Scores . And the kingdom with the highest Kingdom Scores will be the TOP KINGDOM !

Cross - Server Buff : 200 %

Gather Buff Cross - Server Debuff : - 50 % Peace Shield timer

1 . Plundering : Lords can earn the Individual Scores , Alliance Scores , and Kingdom Scores by plundering resources of Lords ( belong to your own Kingdom or other Kingdom ) , while whose Individual Scores , Alliance Scores , and Kingdom Scores , will decrease . The more the resources you plundered , the more the Scores you will earn .

2 . Gathering : Lords can earn Individual Scores and Kingdom Scores by gathering resources in other kingdoms while the resource will be doubled ( Cannot attack the gather troops during the event ) .

3 . Killing : Lords can earn the Individual Scores , Alliance Scores , and Kingdom Scores by killing the other kingdom Lords ' troops . The Scores are related to the troops level and amount .

4 . Kingdom Hospital : Each Lord gets a Kingdom Hospital with fixed capacity and located above the hospital . Wound troops will be sent to Kingdom Hospital rather than Hospital until Kingdom Hospital full . When the Event finishes , the wounded troops in Kingdom Hospital will be healed instantly .

Way to obtain Scores

Gather Food 100 pcs + 50 pts
Gather Wood 100 pcs +50 pts
Gather Iron 100 pcs + 250 pts
Gather Sliver 100 pcs + 1000 pts
Plunder Food 100 + 5 pts
Plunder Wood 100 pcs +5 pts
Plunder Iron 100 pcs +25 pts
Plunder Sliver 100 pcs +100 pts
Kill a LVI . 1 soldier + 2 pts
Kill a LVI . 2 soldier +4 pts
Kill a Lvl . 3 soldier +6 pts
Kill a Lvl 4 soldier +8 pts
Kill a Lvl . 5 soldier +10 pts
Kill a Lv1 . 6 soldier +12 pts
Kill a Lvl . 7 soldier +18 pts
Kill a LVI . 8 soldier +30 pts
Kill a LVI . 9 soldier +48 pts

Kill a Lv1 . 10 soldier +72 pts


How to earn resources?
Gathering resources - farm alliances are save, no one can attack the farm. You can also gather resources in the resources tower zone (inside the white line). Its recommended to place your troops in the alliance farm when you go sleep. Siege troops has good loadability. You can also turn on your gathering resources buff to speed up the gathering. You get also lion experience points from collection of resources
Plundering - there are many empty castles within the kingdom map. You can attack the castle to loot for resources. 
Magic Mine - we can invest on magic mine. This event will last for 5 hours. The return of investment for magic mine is good. 
Resource tower  you can collect 5 times free resources from the tower everyday. 
Alliance store  you can purchase the resources from the alliance store. If you cant find them in store, request from R4 / R5 to refill the alliance store for the items you need
farm you can create a castle to support your castle. Farm castle do not need to be high level, but its recommended to be at least level 15 because level 15 unlock all resources. You can attack your farm to loot resources from your farm. Its recommended to have your farm name identical to yours, your team mate will recognize that its your farm, that way, they will not attack your farm knowing its yours.

The next question you probably going to ask - how to play multiple account 
- multi instance emulator such as bluestack/nox/memu
- if you are using android, you can download the parallel space app or multi account app

Vendor  sometimes the store gives massivs discount on resources
Market  you can also trade resources with your team mates.
Throne treasury  if you have king in your kingdom, you can make a request from the king to sponsor and this is up to the king to reward you or not 
Purchase with gold coins you can use gold to purchase for resources
Killing monster and camps  attacking monster and gives resources. If you have only 2 players rallying for camp, you will earn more reward and resources! 


Sunday, December 29, 2019


Castle is the main building. You must level up the castle first, all buildings inside your castle cannot be higher level than the castle

Each time you upgrade your castle, it gives more workmen and also increase march capacity.

Stable - for training cavalry
Siege workshop - for training siege
Barracks - for training infantry
Range - for training archer

LevelBarracksStablesRangeSiege Workshop
T1 Silver ArmorMounted Shortbowmen ShortbowmenSiege towers
T2  Ghost Guard Knights Light crossbowmen Siega
T3  Halberdiers Heavy Cavalry bowmen Heavy crossbowmen Dual wheel siege
T4 Orc WarriorsMounted armoured Long distance bowmen Heavy siege
T5Spearman Overwatch cavalry Rockbowmen Four wheel siege
T6 Ghost Leader Iron knights Double crossbowmen Burst siege
T7 Elite Halberdiers Royal Banderium Armored crossbowmen Iron Siege
T8 Conquerer Roman knights Marksmen End siege
T 9 Immortal Spearman Storm Cavalry Elite crossbowmen Guardian siege
T10 Destroyers Eternal knights Elite Bowmen Manglers

Vendor - You can sometimes get bargain and purchase items using resources or gold. Refresh 3 times a day every 8 hours. you can manually refresh with gold for 5 times (50 gold each time)  
Platform - display amount if troops inside and outside of your castle
Event center - display current and upcoming events
Walls - its the wall of your castle, each time you upgrade, it increase the capacity of traps (the traps are the troops that defending your wall. You need to have at least 1 troop in castle to have the traps working)
Tavern - sometimes give lucky spin event, you can also subscribe for extra boost.
Information about artifacts (location of artifact owner, type of artifacts and its features) and daily task.
Market - transfer resources to alliance members. Higher level market gives higher quantity of transfer, and decrease the tax rate. Each time you transfer resources to someone, the market will tax the resources. 
Higher level market also gives higher quantity of investment on magic mine

Watchtower - each time you upgrade the building, you can scout enemy in longer distance, and gives more information on scout report
Farm - produce food.
Storehouse - protect the resources from being plundered. Each time you upgrade, it increase the quantity of resources to protect. 
Hospital - all wounded troops will be admitted to hospital for healing. You must upgrade your hospital to increase the capacity of wounded troops. If your wounded troops are more than hospital capacity, the wounded troops that could not admitted to hospital will be counted as dead troop.

Treasure trial - this is where you can test out your troops formation. PVE (player vs electronic) troops battle with the system. Each time you pass a stage, you will be rewarded material to forge your lord equipment. 
Sawmill - produce wood
Iron mine produce iron
Silver mine produce silver
Hideout caves places where you hide your troops
Lion throne allows you to customized your lion and its skill

Wall fortress place where you train wall troops(traps) 
Hero hall place where you recruit, assigned and enhance your heroes.

University allows us to research on resources, military, development, and defense technology 
Embassy allows us to help our alliance members. Each help given will decrease speed for building, healing and research. Higher level embassy gives you more capacity of reinforcement from your alliance members
Hall of wall increase the rally capacity each time you upgrade this building. You must upgrade the Embassy before you upgrade the hall of war.
Holy /chivalrous / noble alliance display the top 3 alliance in the kingdom

Lost Account

This is how you get back your lost account

■ Create a new account. 
■ Go to contact us page in game from your new account

■ Select >>Account 
■Select>> How to get back my account
■ Fill up the lost account form
You need to provide the following information of the missing castle 
1. Castle name
2. Kingdom
3. Installation date
4. Country when you install the game
5. Where do you login the game frequently
6. The date you last login to the castle
7.  Enclosed the receipt from google store/apple store
8. Your email address
9. Dont bind the new account that you are currently accessing to. Once verified, they will replace the new castle with the castle that you have lost. Only bind it after you get back the missing castle
10.  Please submit the form only ONCE 
11. Contact the customer service on facebook page to inform them you have submitted the form of lost account and follow up with them 

Please note: customer service will verify the account if you are the owner. Once approved, your castle will be replaced in the new account you just made. Please bind it appropriately 


The university is the place where you do research on technology. The research technology is extremely important to improve the stats and you could unlock more benefits if you complete research 

There are 4 categories to research - Resources / Development / Military / Defense

Resource technology focus on
- Troop Load: to enable your troops to load more quantity when you send your troops to gather resources and also enable your troops to loot more resources when you are attacking & plundering a castle
- Food/Wood/Iron/Silver Production: The productivity of resources mine in your castle
- Storehouse capacity: We have a storehouse for alliance. You can store some resources in the alliance storehouse but there are limitation to storage quantity. To increase the storage capacity to your resources, you can research on the storehouse capacity
- Food/Wood/Iron/Silver gathering speed:  Increase the gathering resources speed

Development technology focus on
-Construction speed:  Times for construction of building will be reduced 
-Research speed:  Increase the research speed
-Training capacity: Increase the number of troops to train in barrack, range, siege workshop and stables
-Monster hunt speed: Increase the march speed when you attack a monster
-Upkeep reduce: Reduce the amount of food consumed 
- Stamina recovery: Stamina recovery will improved, stamina is used for attacking monster/dragon/camps
-Increase troop training speed Increase the infantry/cavalry/siege/archer troop training speed 
-Magic Mine investment: Increase the quantity for magic mine investment
-Hospital capacity: Increase the hospital capacity. 
-Tax rate: During transfer of resources from market, there will be taxes. The taxes rate will be reduced
-Healing speed: Reduce the healing times for wounded troops
-Transfering capacity: During transfer of resources from market, there are limited quantity. This research helps to increase the volume of resources transfer
-Healing cost down Resources quantity for troops healing will be reduced
- Training cost down: Resources quantity for troops training will be reduced

Military technology focus on
- March slot: You can get extra march slot 
- Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer attack: Boost the infantry/cavalry/siege/archer attack power  for the troops. Higher percentage of attack gives more damage to your enemy troops
-Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer health: Boost the Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer health power for the troops. Higher pecentage of health reduce the wounded troops 
- Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer defense: Boost the Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer defense for the troops. Higher percentage of defense reduce the amount of dead troops
-March speed increase the marching speed
-March capacity increase the number of troops in a march 
- Revive increase the number of troops to be revived. Revive converting dead troops to wounded troops

Defense technology focus on 
- Traps training speed - increase the speed for training traps
- Increase wall health - increase the health for wall
- Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery attack: Boost the attacking power of your wall troops
Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery health: Boost the health power of your wall troops
Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery defense: Boost the defense power of your wall troops
Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery revive: increase the revive rate of your wall troops
- Trap capacity: Increase the capacity of troops to guard the wall of your castle
-Hideout capacity Increase the capacity of troops you can hide in the hideout cave
- City troop attack - Increase the attack power for troops inside your castle
- City troops defense - Increase the defense power of troops inside your castle
- City troops health - Increase the defense power of your troops inside the castle

Each time you complete a reseach, you can unlock more attributes from the tech core 

B class

Unlock archer attack
Level 10: archer health
Level 20: siege attack
Level 30: infantry health

Unlock cavalry attack
Level 10: cavalry health
Level 20: archer attack
Level 30: siege health

Unlock Siege attack
Level 10: Infantry defense
Level 20: Siege defense
Level 30: Cavalry defense

Unlock infantry health
Level 10: infantry attack
Level 20: archer defense
Level 30: cavarly attack

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Daily task

Daily task gives good reward such as mitrill which you can use for opposing the king / donate to the king of your kingdom to activate kingdom buff, universal S fragment to exchange for S heroes fragment 

The following are regular daily task