The university is the place where you do research on technology. The research technology is extremely important to improve the stats and you could unlock more benefits if you complete research
There are 4 categories to research - Resources / Development / Military / Defense
Resource technology focus on
- Troop Load: to enable your troops to load more quantity when you send your troops to gather resources and also enable your troops to loot more resources when you are attacking & plundering a castle
- Food/Wood/Iron/Silver Production: The productivity of resources mine in your castle
- Storehouse capacity: We have a storehouse for alliance. You can store some resources in the alliance storehouse but there are limitation to storage quantity. To increase the storage capacity to your resources, you can research on the storehouse capacity
- Food/Wood/Iron/Silver gathering speed: Increase the gathering resources speed
Development technology focus on
-Construction speed: Times for construction of building will be reduced
-Research speed: Increase the research speed
-Training capacity: Increase the number of troops to train in barrack, range, siege workshop and stables
-Monster hunt speed: Increase the march speed when you attack a monster
-Upkeep reduce: Reduce the amount of food consumed
- Stamina recovery: Stamina recovery will improved, stamina is used for attacking monster/dragon/camps
-Increase troop training speed Increase the infantry/cavalry/siege/archer troop training speed
-Magic Mine investment: Increase the quantity for magic mine investment
-Hospital capacity: Increase the hospital capacity.
-Tax rate: During transfer of resources from market, there will be taxes. The taxes rate will be reduced
-Healing speed: Reduce the healing times for wounded troops
-Transfering capacity: During transfer of resources from market, there are limited quantity. This research helps to increase the volume of resources transfer
-Healing cost down Resources quantity for troops healing will be reduced
- Training cost down: Resources quantity for troops training will be reduced
Military technology focus on
- March slot: You can get extra march slot
- Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer attack: Boost the infantry/cavalry/siege/archer attack power for the troops. Higher percentage of attack gives more damage to your enemy troops
-Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer health: Boost the Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer health power for the troops. Higher pecentage of health reduce the wounded troops
- Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer defense: Boost the Infantry/cavalry/siege/archer defense for the troops. Higher percentage of defense reduce the amount of dead troops
-March speed increase the marching speed
-March capacity increase the number of troops in a march
- Revive increase the number of troops to be revived. Revive converting dead troops to wounded troops
Defense technology focus on
- Traps training speed - increase the speed for training traps
- Increase wall health - increase the health for wall
- Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery attack: Boost the attacking power of your wall troops
- Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery health: Boost the health power of your wall troops
- Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery defense: Boost the defense power of your wall troops
- Defender crossbow/Catapult/Artillery revive: increase the revive rate of your wall troops
- Trap capacity: Increase the capacity of troops to guard the wall of your castle
-Hideout capacity Increase the capacity of troops you can hide in the hideout cave
- City troop attack - Increase the attack power for troops inside your castle
- City troops defense - Increase the defense power of troops inside your castle
- City troops health - Increase the defense power of your troops inside the castle
Each time you complete a reseach, you can unlock more attributes from the tech core
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